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“Home, sweet home”: 5 best ideas for home “building” from improvised materials

After the working day ends, many people want to be in their comfortable home, where it is so nice to do what you love and gain strength. Fairy-tale characters also dream of living in a comfortable home, but the concept of comfort is different for everyone. Help magical heroes get wonderful housing?

House in the village

Hedgehogs harvest in their own garden to take stocks to their forest pumpkin house.

A hut on chicken legs

In his free time from witchcraft, Baba Yaga likes to spend evenings knitting mittens in his hut on chicken legs, which is located in the woods among trees made from beads.

Pumpkin house

A wonderful pumpkin house with a green roof and many flowers will be an excellent home for fairy-tale heroes. A scarecrow will drive away intruders.

Fairy House

Fairies love to live in wooden houses and love green lawns. Create a fairy house for them.

All in the bath

It is especially pleasant to spend time in nature, if there is a fruit garden, candy shrubs and a bathhouse at the summer cottage.

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