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Fruit bouquets: 5 bright and tasty ideas

If ordinary flower bouquets seem banal to you, the time has come for a fruity mood. Juicy and colorful fruit compositions will conquer the person to whom you want to present a bright bouquet.

Tropical bouquet

Oranges, bananas, and coconuts are harmoniously combined in a magnificent tropical bouquet that will cheer you up with its brightness.

Dried fruit flowers

As you know, nuts and dried fruits are very healthy, so you can take care of a loved one by presenting him with such a bouquet.

Lemon fresh

Large lemons and sprigs of mimosa become a fabulously beautiful bouquet with which you can then drink tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Citrus-coniferous mix

Oranges and lemons on skewers can be combined with coniferous branches and complement the composition with wrapping paper, receiving a magical New Year’s bouquet.

Banana “flowers”

Having made a surprise in the form of a bouquet of bananas, you will give a loved one a positive charge for the whole day.

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