Decorative vases: original ideas for creating unique vessels for flowers
It so happens that one, at first glance, an insignificant detail transforms the interior, adding freshness and brightness to it. Do-it-yourself decorative vases can be the highlight of the decor. Give the green light to your own imagination!
Shiny Vase
This wonderful shiny vase will fit perfectly into the overall decoration of your home and will attract the attention of your guests.
Silver light
If you need to decorate a room on the occasion of a celebration, such an unusual vase will become a stylish element of a festive atmosphere.
Lace vessel
Use lace and pearl beads to turn a glass jar into a wonderful lace vase or candlestick.
Oriental luxury
Such a spectacular flowerpot, created with your own hands using coins, looks like an object from the eastern palace.
Stylish minimalism
If you do not want the colorful vase to draw attention from the bouquet to yourself, make a simple and stylish flowerpot, making a glass vessel with twine.
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