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“One, two, three, light on Christmas tree,”: the most original Christmas trees with their own hands

The fluffy green beauty is considered the main symbol of the New Year, but what to do if you do not have time to buy a Christmas tree or do not want to cut a living tree. Do not be upset! In modern interiors, the tree can become a stylish part of the decor, which means you can make it from almost any material. Ready to review the most unusual and amazing Christmas trees?

Thread tree

To decorate your desktop concisely and create a festive mood for yourself, without attracting unnecessary attention with a colorful Christmas tree, make a Christmas tree from threads. Such a wonderful Christmas tree can also be used as a candlestick.

Edible tree

Children will be especially happy about such a tree because as soon as the tree gets on the festive table, each baby will want to break off a marmalade “branch”. Help yourself!

Book tree

A book Christmas tree will help to decorate the interior, which can be done very quickly and easily. The paper tree will be a fluffy addition to the main living tree.

Stylish Christmas tree made of twine

Use twine or tight threads to create the conical base of the tree. And beads, beads, lace, and other jewelry will add to her splendor.

Pasta tree

The original Christmas tree can even be made from pasta. Buy colored pasta or paint them with paints, take a plastic glass and design a beautiful Christmas tree.

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