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The Art of Cooking: 5 Great Recipes for Your Cookbook

Composing recipes for new dishes, each chef takes part in the creative process, the result of which will be superbly prepared culinary masterpieces. Using the following recipes, you can diversify your daily meal, as well as please loved ones and decorate the festive table. Experiment in your own kitchen and hone your culinary skills to perfection!

Crispy chicken breast

Cook the most delicate chopped chicken cutlets with melted cheese to enjoy a wonderful crispy dish, adding the sauce to taste.

Potato sausage

Make an unusual potato sausage, enjoy its wonderful taste, and do not forget to share the recipe with your friends.

Custom zucchini

You have not cooked delicious squash according to this recipe! Add a side dish and serve a great meal!

Meat vegetables

Prepare a vegetable analog of meatballs, replacing the standard dish with a great treat with a bright and tasty filling.

Greek potatoes

Bake delicious potatoes in the oven according to this recipe to serve as an independent dish on the table.

Cover image: barbecue- grill-2366925/

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