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Gourmet holiday: the most original dishes for the New Year’s table

The celebration of Christmas and New Year traditionally gathers close people at the festive table, without which the celebration can not do. In addition to dishes prepared according to traditional recipes, the housewives want to surprise the family with something new. And we have some original ideas for you!

“Flower” jelly

A traditional dish can be varied with an original serving. Such a “flower” jelly will please your guests not only in taste but also in appearance.

Jellied “Three Little Pigs”

Another option for decorating jellied meat involves laying out the ingredients in the form of piglets. A non-standard dish will become a bright decoration of the festive table.

Curd lemon souffle

Use egg whites and yolks, cottage cheese, icing sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest, starch and butter to prepare a curd souffle that will delight you with a delicate taste.

Holiday time

Olivier is considered a traditional New Year’s salad, which decorates many holiday tables. But this treat can be served in an original way, having laid it out in the form of a watch.

Christmas tree cake

Such a non-standard, easy to prepare and incredibly delicious holiday dessert will be the highlight of the New Year’s table.

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